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History of Chess

The first mention appeared in chess literature prize in the 5th century AD named Shatrang'. The first unequivocal mention appeared in India and originated in the first half of the 7th century. Well first record for Chess dated to the 7th century. The early 9th century the game reached China and learned there with minor changes as "Xiang - Qi".
Middle Ages and Renaissance was part of the culture nobility Chess, used to teach military strategy and is nicknamed "The Game of Kings. " Active Bldsra important Renaissance Castiglione wrote that many gentlemen are playing chess, but not worthy of Chess passion for a gentleman, because it may invest too much thought in it at the expense of other disciplines, and finally "knew up to nothing more than a game."
Playing Chess bought a permanent grip European culture during the 19th century. This appeared in Chess delight, founded magazines concerning chess competitions were held. Among other things started to develop a game made ​​by correspondence between different cities. So the London Chess Club played a Adiborg Chess Club in 1824. Chess problems became a popular supplement in the daily newspapers. The first modern chess tournament was held in London in 1851. In this competition, won the German Adolf Andersen was relatively unknown at the time. One of his games have become a byword in chess and he is known today as "The Immortal Game". This game marked the chess fashion during this period - a victory by sacrificing material in return for maneuver. Chess institutionalized finally granted the title of "World Chess Champion" Prague-born Jew, Wilhelm Steinitz, long after his victory over the German artist, Johann Zokrot in 1886. He lost the crown Austrian mathematician of Jewish origin, Emanuel Lasker held the title for 27 years until he lost the contract Raul Capablanca. Institutionalization competitions and awarding official title finally fixed the chess world recognized between games.

Century - 20

Chess grandmaster theory continued to evolve continuously despite two world wars. Was a big leap between the two world wars with the emergence of important theorists such as Aaron Nimcowicz and Richard Ratti. They challenged the accepted theory of Aharon Nimzovich and Richard Steinitz. They argued that the control center of the board with pieces placed at the edge of the board is better than a direct holding of the center with infantry quickly make an easy target for attack. Botvinnik's victory marked the beginning of Soviet debut match that lasted almost without interruption until the dissolution of the Soviet Union . Established Fide - a federation aimed at regulating rules and competitions. Because of disagreements between the Federation world champion at the time, Kasparov was established federation also provides its own championship title, but eventually retired Kasparov and Kramnik won two titles - both of Fide and the Federation of Kasparov .

According to Wikipedia, the required qualifications for chess player include :

  • Concentration and self cool: Although most important games are made under the supervision and silence it often happens due to the failure of a particular strategy or move unexpectedly from the opponent - losing player is the concentration that feel lost, so it is important to maintain concentration and composure, even when the situation does not looks bright.
  • Deep vision and Abstract imagination: The player's power to see the deeper the sequence of moves and visualize the scattered tools on the number next moves all their options, the greater the probability will be higher than ever.
  • Strategic planning and creativity: the inability of the player to foresee all the sequence moves, it is necessary to design more generally, produced relatively comfortable future situations. For example, examination of the tools are not placed at key points, and planning how to improve the position.
  • Patience: mostly games that are not played with time, it is important to always check the location of the pieces on the board until the end, and not play the queue to hurry.
Every game give opportunities for the development of different skills. Key chess game and usability mental capacities all walks of life. This activity has unlimited potential for the human brain so it can be an effective tool for the development of higher order thinking skills. Such as problem solving ability, focus, critical thinking, abstract logic, strategic planning, analytical skills, creativity, evaluation and synthesis.

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