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880 Black wins
Harper - Keres
Vancouver 1975
1003 White wins
Botvinnik - Keres
? 1966
1671 White wins
Keres, - Szabo
Budapest 1955
1880 Black wins
Harper - Keres
Vancouver 1975
2003 White wins
Botvinnik - Keres
? 1966
3202 White wins
Keres - Troeger
Hamburg 1960
3214 Black wins
Stahlberg - Keres
Bad Nauheim 1936
3260 White wins
Keres - Gligoric
Kandidatenturnier 1959
3267 White wins
Keres - Spasski
Goeteborg 1955
3491 Black wins
Keres - Tal
Moskau 1957
3552 White wins
Keres - Aljechin
Margate 1937
3681 White wins
Keres - Alexander
Hastings 1954
3768 White wins
Keres - Loewenfisch
Leningrad 1947
3770 White wins
Botwinnik - Keres
Weltmeisterschaft 1948
3771 White wins
Keres - Kotow
Budapest 1950
3772 White wins
Kotow - Keres
Partievariante 1950
3774 Black wins
Keres - Botwinnik
Leningrad-Moskau 1941
3839 White wins
Keres - Loewenfisch
Moskau 1949
3929 White wins
Bronstein - Keres
Budapest 1950
3944 Black wins
Keres - Estrin
Partievariante 1941
3958 Black wins
Euwe - Keres
Holland 1939
4135 White wins
Keres - Raud
Paernu 1937
4136 White wins
Keres - Panno
Goeteborg 1955
4213 Black wins
Hort - Keres
Partievariante 1961
4225 White wins
Bronstein - Keres
Budapest 1950
4228 White wins
Botwinnik - Keres
UdSSR 1966
4857 White wins
Keres - Fuchs
Marianske Lazne 1965
4859 White wins
Cholmow - Keres
Tiblissi 1959
8557 White wins
Keres, P. - Unzicker, W.
I g Hamburg (m/2) 1956
9975 White wins
Botvinnik, M. - Keres, P.
I d Moscow 2/22 1966
12357 White to play
Hartoch, R. - Keres, P.
I g Amsterdam 12/74 1971
14474 White Mates in 8
Balashov - Paul Keres
Tallinn 1973
14850 Draw
V.Samilo - by P.Keres 1946
1 hm. Phenix 290.8333 2018
14874 Draw
sp. Prize Shakhmaty v SSSR 1946
18929 White wins
Keres=P - (+0042.11c6b1)
Shakhmaty v SSSR 02 1946
21515 Draw
Keres, P. - ****anticipator
Shakhmaty v SSSR 19 1955
22445 Draw
V.Smyslov - dedicated to P.Keres
64, commendation 2006