Rossi-80 JT 2005
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22672 Draw
Melnichenko=E - [=0326.20c5f5
1.p Rossi-80 JT Best Problems 2005
22673 Draw
Bertoli=F - [=0343.31c8c5
2.p Rossi-80 JT Best Problems 2005
22674 White wins
Becker=R - [+0130.13b8f1
3.p Rossi-80 JT Best Problems 2005
22675 Draw
Gonzalez=L - [=0717.22f5h8 Rossi-80 JT Best Problems 2005
22676 White wins
Matous=M - [+0750.11f4h4 Rossi-80 JT Best Problems 2005
22677 White wins
Aliev=I Muradov=M - [+0324.21f6f2 Rossi-80 JT Best Problems 2005
22678 White wins
Jasik=A - [+4401.26h4a8
1.c Rossi-80 JT Best Problems 2005
22679 White wins
Perkonoja=P - [+3315.32a2d6
2.c Rossi-80 JT Best Problems 2005
22680 White wins
Tkachenko=SI - [+0410.23a8g6
3.c Rossi-80 JT Best Problems 2005
22681 White wins
Iriarte=E - [+0300.41e8g2
4.c Rossi-80 JT Best Problems 2005
22682 Draw
Van_der_Heijden=H - [=0310.11e1a8
5.c Rossi-80 JT Best Problems 2005
22683 Draw
Sizonenko=V - [=3111.01g4f2
6.c Rossi-80 JT Best Problems 2005