Problemist Uralski-25 JT 2018
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15538 White wins
Oleg Pervakov (Russia)
Ural Problemist 25 JT; I-II prize 2018
15539 White wins
Alexey Sochnev (Russia)
Ural Problemist 25 JT; I-II prize 2018
15540 White wins
Sergey Didukh (Ukraine)
Ural Problemist 25 JT; III-IV prize 2018
15541 White wins
Alexey Popov (Russia)
Ural Problemist 25 JT; III-IV prize 2018
15542 White wins
Pavel Arestov (Russia) - Alexander Zhukov (Russia)
Ural Problemist 25 JT; V-VI prize 2018
15543 White wins
Mirko Miliyan (Serbia)
Ural Problemist 25 JT; V-VI prize 2018
15544 White wins
Yuri Bazlov (Russia)
Ural Problemist 25 JT; special prize 2018
15545 Draw
Luis Miguel Gonzalez (Spain)
Ural Problemist 25 JT; 1st commendation 2018
15546 White wins
Vladimir Katznelson (Russia) - Leonard Katznelson (Russia)
Ural Problemist 25 JT; 2nd commendation 2018
15547 White wins
Mikhail Gromov (Russia) - Oleg Pervakov (Russia)
Ural Problemist 25 JT; 3rd commendation 2018
15548 White wins
Valery Kalashnikov (Russia)
Ural Problemist 25 JT; 4th commendation 2018
15549 White wins
Alexander Stavrietsky (Russia)
Ural Problemist 25 JT; 5th commendation 2018
15550 White wins
Daniel Keith (France)
Ural Problemist 25 JT; 6th commendation 2018
15551 White wins
Pavel Arestov (Russia) - Alexander Zhukov (Russia)
Ural Problemist 25 JT; special commendation 2018
15552 Draw
Branislav Durasevic (Serbia)
Ural Problemist 25 JT; 1st honorable mention 2018
15553 White wins
Alexey Popov (Russia)
Ural Problemist 25 JT; 2nd honorable mention 2018
15554 Draw
Amatsia Avni (Israel) - Martin Minski (Germany)
Ural Problemist 25 JT; 3rd honorable mention 2018
15555 White wins
Michal Glinka (Slovakia) - Mario Garcia (Argentina)
Ural Problemist 25 JT; 4th honorable mention 2018
15556 White wins
Mikhail Zinar (Ukraine)
Ural Problemist 25 JT; special honorable mention 2018